How do you know what all those buttons do?

It’s a question I get asked all the time, and the simple answer is: I don’t. I use the features on this Grass valley Kayenne switcher that I need, and ignore what I don’t need.  The same goes for other software like vMix or OBS. 

“But what if I get asked to build an effect and don’t know how?”

Patience, grasshopper.

To become a TD, you don’t learn every feature and every button all at once, and most TD’s don’t.

Start small, learn what you need for the entry level event, and repeat that, a lot.

Now take that same setup and add a few more cameras and wipes. Repeat.

Continue this pattern, and yes it will take years to become second nature.

I switch every sports event the same basic way, building upon that basic show I created over 5 years ago.

Need some additional guidance:

Search free tutorials on YouTube. I have a few tutorials at the link below, and there’s many more out there.

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