I lost 6 months of Work Overnight

I lost 6 months of freelance work in under 24 hours. Here's what happened.

I lost 6 months of freelance work in under 24 hours.

It was exactly what I needed.

COVID had just shut down the entire sports world and I was effectively out of work, with no warning.

To be honest, it sucked. Thousands of my fellow freelancers, waited for what we thought was a temporary shutdown.

2 months, 3 months, then 6 months went by. Unemployment was delayed, if you could complete an application at all.

I’m not good at sitting around, so I started playing with vMix. Then I was obsessed. This software could do anything. It worked kind of like the switchers I’m used to.

I posted tutorials, and that’s when Amazon Live reached out. 3 years later, my team and I handles their largest live streams in the cloud, and they’re not going back.

This all happened because I put myself out there and took action, not very well at first. (Take a look at my early YouTube videos, you’ll see what I mean)

You can out there and take action in learning cloud production.

Start on YouTube for free and search. I have a few tutorials, and there’s many more out there.

That’s all it takes. Just get started.

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