I’ll never be a network Technical Director

This refrain repeated through my head early in my television career.

I started out with big dreams, just like everyone else.

When asked what I wanted to do in television, I responded like every other kid right out of college: “Direct” (or produce)

The response, from whoever asked, was usually, “keep working at it, you’ll get there”

Then reality set in. These jobs are scarce, turnover is low, and it takes a lot of experience.

For 7 years I believed this to be true, then I was given my first opportunity to TD.

What did I do?

I showed up and said yes. (And figured the rat out later)

But more importantly, I was in a position to be around the people doing the job I wanted.

It didn’t happen as fast as I would have liked, but patience paid off.

15 years later, I’m offered more work than I could ever accept, and still can’t believe I get to work on national sports broadcasts.

Put yourself in a position to succeed, around the people doing what you want to do, even if it’s not the position you want today.

Then, learn the skills, here’s where you start:

Follow me here.

Search free tutorials on YouTube. I have a few tutorials at the link below, and there’s many more out there, subscribe to my channel for up to date content.

That’s all it takes. Just get started.

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